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Walgreens’ closing triggers fears of ‘pharmacy desert’

The Walgreens at 416 Warren St. in Roxbury was permanently closed Jan. 31. BANNER PHOTO

Seniors feeling effects of latest shutdown in Roxbury

Avery Bleichfeld

The question, simple enough, provoked a firestorm from the Roxbury seniors.

Asked about the impact of the closure of a local Walgreens, the roomful of elders at the Vine Street Community Center expressed alarm and concern over access to prescriptions in a city where big drugstore chains are shutting down their outlets in communities of color.

The seniors, gathered for Breakfast and Bid Whist — a weekly card game breakfast event — had many views on why it was happening and what it meant but agreed that the latest shutdown stood as another mark of longstanding disinvestment in Boston’s predominantly Black and brown neighborhoods.

“Our community is being torn apart,” said Stanley Porter.

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